Nagging Elitism

There are a number of people in our society who can be termed as elitists. As and when some business or a trade flourishes, such a behaviour begins to take shape in their minds. The kind of boundaries around empathy, as to when to relate to people's emotions or give alms becomes almost redundant. As this cannot be categorized as an evil, the threat still looms large and can cause grave concerns to cohabitation.

The primary cause of not giving alms to the needy or somewhat needy is a kind of elitism. This can be shown when people beg from you on the streets during traffic snarls. We kind of ask them, 'go find some work'. More so, we sneer at people when they are not belonging to our social status. There can be many such instances.

But the world is made up of a number of units of society. One has to mingle with people according to these norms and become elitist themselves when the flock calls. Otherwise one risks of being the odd person out.

The story being cut short: everyone has their own reservations like difference in culture or behaviour in the group and try to be on the safer side while attempting to bond or in daily affairs around. Everybody has to mingle with the society in their own way. Get together with the flock and be mildly elitist. It's called group bonding.


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