Mind Power

There is great power in the mind and it depends on what one speaks about his/her problems to himself. 'Mind over matter' is the best suitable adage here. The mind behaves how and what one keeps saying to himself/herself. Great strides can be achieved through this. One who's strong in using his mind can master many things.

Let's see, for example: One has torn his shirt in some circumstance like brushing it in the rough edges of a seat in the bus. He/She is bound to be embarrassed throughout that day when meeting each and everyone. Their prying looks may prove shameful for him/her.

One way to counter this problem is say to himself/herself that people will look at the shirt this day only, but not other days to follow. This is because those who see it now are not able to show it to others the next day. There is absolutely no proof of it. Rumour dies down with no fuel to fire it on.

As and when one encounters such issues with such ingenuity of mind, there can be no obstacles to bog him down. It's all in your mind, you know?


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