Quasi Tradition And Plotterbots

There is quite a speculation among people about how to arrive at an informed decision with foresight. The checklist may be plentiful with items developed with experience. But, it's a fact also that nobody has ever learnt to be adequately equipped in handling these inviting traps.

I was privy to one such incident wherein the qualms of a particular person were exposed. The family friend of ours was pestered and nagged by his neighbour a few months after they developed a shared borewell.

He set many rules about this quasi tradition and this poor person even had to bear the cost of maintaining and refurbishing the tubewell.

This is quite common and everyone experiences it. The only antidote is to not share anything with others- especially a property. Make your own norms and earn happiness in life. What belongs to others is not yours. Not even half of it.


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