The Street-smart Wreath

Being street-smart is a blessing and a curse too. It's a blessing for those who are quite highly placed in the society and have an enjoyable reputation. This may be their weight in education, job, affluence, assets, philanthropic status or more. The moment they exhibit some wise leanings like snubbing downcast and devious people who plot schemes or camaraderie with people of their status or behave prudently with their subordinates at workplaces, the onlookers dub them to be street-smart in a good way.

This case gets skewed when people of a lower status are seen being street-smart. The bystanders, who witness this, label them to be ruffians and goons or with menial jobs. Status in the society changes everything one is perceived as. Creditworthiness becomes nil when such people adopt some subterfuges or have skills like driving or ability to repair some leaky faucets or some other skills.

These people may be called drivers or plumbers or electricians. But the ones with white collar jobs doing such things receive applause to be adept with many things. Having a sound knowledge of everything in varied fields helps one to leave a mark in the society, but with a good white collar job.

Be consistent and achieve a good amount of applause by striving to be a prominent or renowned person. It is a blessing always. The street-smart wreath works this way.


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