Danger At Close Quarters

The greatest enemies of a person are the ones in his close quarters. He does not have to look far. These friends turned foes can inflict a great harm on him. Often, the victim is a renowned, acclaimed and a honored person. I can share about some.

A well known star from the entertainment industry was privy to this situation. His retinue of professionals sought to mar this person's reputation of being a maven. To be precise, they called his composed lyrics a sham. This was not true to a great extent, as this exists in every celebrity's songs. Moreover, there was a great propaganda to defame him. But he bore it all. It affected his record sales, though.

Another person depicted in the classic literature is Julius Caesar. His own friend, Brutus, killed him and Caesar never expected this from such a close confidante. Also, Jesus Christ was betrayed into the hands of his murderers by his own disciple, Iscariot, as he knew where to find Him.

People need not look for foes among strangers, their own relatives or friends or bodyguards can fit the bill. Such people have been the vicious throughout history. One needs to keep a close watch over them and often be at peace with such people. Nobody knows more than they do about these. There is no need to make these ones wary of you. Be paranoid. It helps!


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