Illicit Parting Gifts

Whenever I come across people who have accepted filial possessions that can mar a person's virtuous living there seems to be a lone reason cited: it being avarice. They cannot let go of it, though clearly the asset is being acquired and handed down by illicit means.

I was privy to one such quandary. I know a person who made a man drunk and through coaxing with sweet words, made him sign a land agreement in that inebriated state. Taking advantage of this signed document, the person usurped the land amounting to a few acres. Though this was a unethical but legal deal, his sons too followed suit. This battle is raging through generations.

The lone cause of this long-standing lawsuit is avarice. Being at the threshold of acquiring the lousily dealt property, the next generation of the usurper cannot resist letting go.

The best they can do is give up the claim towards the land. All that remains is a generation of woes. There are other better things than money in life. And the best thing is that they are free.


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