Subterfuges Galore

There is a demeaning and hurtful connotation attached to every quarrel. So much so that even when the tiff subsides there will be more grave concerns for the perpetrator. This could be ill will and spite from the victims of this person. However headstrong and thick-skinned the person could be, he has to yield to the newly attained status quo. It brings sorrow to him and the wound will be incorrigible because of constant drama from the instigator to gain and maintain a foothold on the situation.

I know a person who banked on the need to discharge some subterfuges for selfish reasons. The fact that he succeeded in raking up some moolah and swept along with him many great geese who laid golden eggs remains. But, it should be noted that he found it very difficult to carry on with his sinister design and felt left out and cornered in everyday life. The life became a misery as the victims were not on good terms with him and snubbed the person with taunts.

Though the sinister design may be well-planned, there is always some lacuna in the situation- a fact in real life. The truth no matter how long it is suppressed, the sun always rises to shine into the night and bring dawn. A good plan to tackle and avoid such instances is to stick to licit means. There comes a day when self-belief is rewarded. An unpopular life should not be sought after and vigorously pursued. The pitfalls are grave and hazardous. Think before you leap.


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