Laxity Pompoms

There is a lax side to every stringent norm or regulation or enforcement, however effective it may sound. This side puts the person at the receiving end to a great deal of comfort or easiness, though at the outset it seems that the he is not. Only a close inspection from the peers can help the naked eye to have a grasp of this.

To elucidate further, imagine a person driving in his car on a bylane. All his peers around seem to be following the traffic norms. But, actually in a place with a stipulated speed limit of 40 Kmph, those people are driving much faster and well above it. Though this is a crime, everyone remains reticent about it. They only worry regarding spot fines and the like.

This sums up the intricacies of modern life where all of such things exist and people do away with it. Such pompoms remind us a great deal about discipline in our city that is much alike pompoms- only for decoration. All such nothingness could possibly help us brag about the much hallowed city life or modern life, deriding the rustic viewpoint.

There sure is a subverting side to everything, but only we need to aware of it. Scrupulosity is always around. Beware and mend yourself!


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