Sexagenarians: In Twilight Years

Sexagenarians have a harried and impractical look on things. Though they are elders and crowned with wisdom, a big fact can be overlooked. This is nothing but an eerie feeling they have about death. They think that the people in their age bracket are nigh unto death when one or two of these pass away.

I have come across many of these people ruing about this. Well, it is true that a few in their peer group have expired. But, this fact also remains that there are more number of those who haven't. So, why look at the glass that is half empty rather than half full?

The world is an interesting place with all these ill-defined problems. Instead of enjoying their graceful and wise turnaround that comes with such an age group, they resort to all these arguments.

It's all in the mind and there is never an age to die. Agree? Anyone?


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