Book Review: Autobiography of M. K. Gandhi

The book is well written. But a lot of paucity in bringing out the thoughts through translation can be seen. This hindrance crops up in the course of the book and at one point, it can be noted that it stops and the whole rendition of thoughts becomes lucid and vivid. No one can gauge this book to be totally horrible or distasteful, but it has to be given its time to become more readable.

Gandhiji, as always, is very humble with his demeanour and throughout the course of this autobiography, explains his thoughts as experiments with truth. This is to drive home the point that his manner of thinking can change. He was a man just like his thoughts. Everything he learned by the day, he has put it in actions.

The fact that the 'Father of the nation' doesn't mind travelling 'third class' in his journeys on trains throughout the country is very admirable. This put him closely at par with the poor of the era and what hardships they faced at the time has been understood by him. He left no stone unturned to identify himself with them. Many people would not recognise him on these journeys and when they asked his name, their rudeness towards him in speech vanished, putting them to shame.

He was a thorough follower of non-possession (aparigraha) and non-violence (ahimsa). The fact that he would be nigh unto death when his vows come in the way of his wellness, did not bother him. Many a time, he was about to tread to the brink of his death, but he put his vows always first, even above medical advice and managed to live to see the next day.

It can be said that he was a man of resolve and consecutive jailterms or alienation from his family did not make him waver in his responsibilities towards the nation's people. Never was he to turn aside his set goals and live a life of comfort or opulence or a lavish life as others lived during his time. The fact that he was a very popular lawyer both in South Africa and India, did not make him live such a life.

His autobiography attempts to teach people his timeless principles and adhere to it. He was a very interesting man not ashamed to live a life as per his thoughts. A virtuous person like him is truly a treasure for the nation. He lives on in our hearts!

P. S: As the original is written in Gujarati, the text does not keep up in English.



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