
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to be Motivated in Daily Life?

There is cut-throat competition everywhere around in the society. This demands people to be good at doing something and also impassioned in their job to avoid unnecessary stress. To carefully balance these two things and remain motivated at achieving things is the need of the hour. There are a few people who maintain being motivated and excel at things. But work is work though the stress can be cushioned in some places. Here are a few tips to do anything well with motivation: Time only moves forward One thing to understand while doing a specific task is that time only moves forward and it keeps on moving. If some time-bound task is continued enough, the time gets lesser and lesser until the work is fully done. This should be deeply etched in the mind and the mantra. Combine most loved jobs with boring ones Club two tasks which can reduce the stress. One of these tasks should be boring and the other, most loved. One such scenario is, if the person loves jogging, instead of using music d