
Showing posts from August, 2017

My Umbrella

Yesterday I was bearing the brunt of Poseidon's fury. The whole territorial waters of a small sleepy hamlet in Bengaluru --where I live-- had kept me busy. As I was wading through these in order to reach my destination which is a refreshment outlet, the journey was harrowing and thoughtful. I was pensive because of the slush and this torrential downpour had left me wondering which road to walk on. Even the footpath was miry and it left me with no option, but to wade through the muddy waters. The drenching part was missed because I always carry an umbrella. Come rain or sunshine, I never stop. I am equipped to deal with Poseidon or Helios. Are you?

Opportunism: Countering the Art

Everybody commits mistakes in life. The best way to stay out of it is not improvising or being opportunistic, but avoid erring again- altogether. If one does it there is no danger of getting caught the second time. It even does not entail you to come up with excuses. Imagine a scenario wherein your employer catches you red-handed reaching late to office. To deal with this, one can do two things: one, never reach late again, come whatever may; second, improvise on your timings and wait for the right moment to be absent for work or delay again. While your boss may be arriving late to work the next time, it doesn’t mean you won’t get caught. You will end up improvising your whole life and get caught every now and then. It’s for you to decide: never get caught or be mired with opportunism. Which of the options is wise for you? Do not dither, but make a wise move once and for all.

Expertise's Trail of Actors and Sportspersons

The actors of any movie are not what they seem. In real life they are totally different. Imagine a person who takes the side of the righteous situation in any problem he or the society faces. The actor who does this may not live a righteous life. He may be used to some malevolent ways and won’t respect people, especially the commoner, living an abrasive life. This is especially true in movie actors` life and anything written about them in the print media or shown on the televised media is pure shenanigan- be it the bad image too. Sporting heroes can be different in that they are what they seem in reality. At least, they don’t act on their playing field or stadia. Buying from their endorsements is good especially in the areas they love like fitness supplements, endurance training or workouts. Both of these celebrities’ charisma is totally different. While athletic abilities have gained a common ground in both these people’s spheres --entertainment and sports-- the latter are