
Showing posts from June, 2021

Colourable Preferences

Nowadays, anybody can give colour to any incident or act of anyone around. The things regarding the choice of the person as to what led to them choosing the same as against another, can bring justifiable colour. The same goes in public acts of somebody famous too. While it may be innocuous in the eyes of the subject, it may totally foment wrong opinions. Recently, a person known to me became the cause of this confusion: He was apprehended by a law enforcement official for being at the wrong place at the right time. The fact that he looked hefty and rather rugged brought about many wrong pointers in their mind. When somebody freed him from their clutches, they were more convinced that he was a vagabond. But through continued contact with him and knowing him better they thought otherwise. This can happen to anybody and what something is shown need not be what it seems. There can be plenty of instances pointing to this but the reality prevails. Good that something incriminating to be put